Chanen has built beautiful and functional projects for several non-profit organizations, including the Nina Pullium Campus for Compassion for the Arizona Humane Society, the Fresh Start Women’s Center, as well as both the campuses of Midwestern University.
Arizona Humane Society
MWU Interfaith Chapel, Glendale, AZ
World Business Admin
Phoenix Museum of History
Arizona Humane Society
Arizona Humane Society
Campus for Compassion
Phoenix, Arizona
As CM at Risk, Chanen Construction Company built the Nina Mason Pulliam Campus for Compassion. The Arizona Humane Society (AHS), a non-profit organization, funded primarily by private donors, acquired 20 acres for the new campus. The facility is for the training, health care and housing of rescued animals. It also serves as a place where people can learn to properly care for pets and animals.
The main campus of the building includes an administration building, and exhibit hall/retail center, spay/neuter clinic, and adoption center and warehouse/storage areas. Beyond the main building are the kennel structures. The campus is also home to larger animals, with equestrian stables and an open-air riding arena.
Chanen donated $250,000.00 for the Robert "Coke" Straus Equestrian Center.
The campus includes a columbarium for pet memorials, two community dog parks, horse trails and pastures for the horses.
- ArchitectDLR GROUP
MWU Interfaith Chapel, Glendale, AZ
Midwestern University
Interfaith Chapel
Glendale, Arizona
The Interfaith Chapel was envisioned to address the spiritual and community aspects of the healer’s process. As a result of the shared belief with Midwestern University of the need for a quiet, peaceful place of reflection for the students preparing to provide holistic healthcare; Chanen Construction Company in partnership with its vendors and Senior University Leaders, spearheaded the efforts to fund 100% of the Chapel through donations. In honor of this unprecedented effort, Midwestern University named the multi-denomination facility “The Chanen Interfaith Chapel”.
The Chapel is located central to the campus and thus considered “the jewel” of the campus with its stained glass windows whose colors represent the Seasons & Elements, a River of Life made of tile flowing through the Chapel floor, a Community Table in the form of a tree and, on the wall, artwork representing the Signs of Peace and Hope.- ClientMIDWESTERN UNIVERSITY
World Business Admin
Thunderbird School
Of Global ManagementWorld Business
and AdministrationGlendale, Arizona
The $5.2 million, two-story World Business and Administration Building at the Thunderbird School of Global Management includes a 250-seat, 5,000-sq.-ft. auditorium, meeting rooms and 29,000-sq.-ft. administrative office space. It provides high-tech teaching and support areas, and consolidates all administrative offices, including the office of the president, into one facility.
The building blends with the existing campus by the use of stucco, red tile roofs and tinted ribbon windows. It also includes a two-story glass entry atrium with a granite and marble floor.
As CM at Risk, Chanen kept the project within its original budget and completed construction three months ahead of schedule.- ClientTHUNDERBIRD SCHOOL OF GLOBAL MANAGEMENT
Phoenix Museum of History
City of Phoenix
Phoenix Museum of History
Phoenix, Arizona
Chanen managed the construction of the $8 million Phoenix Museum of History, part of the Heritage Park Projects. This $47 million civic improvement project also includes the Arizona Science Center and the Heritage and Science Park Garage and Streetscape.
The 20,000-sq.-ft. museum is constructed of sandblasted concrete masonry units with a curved pre-manufactured roof joist and galvanized roof system. The extensive glass and aluminum skylight system with perforated metal sun screens is a prominent design feature. These diverse materials required long-lead delivery and exacting coordination to assure the successful completion of this project.
Placing one of the major exhibits, a 1905 Davenport narrow-gauge steam engine, was a major construction challenge. The train was positioned on a slab with a six-foot track before the museum walls were erected around it.- ClientCITY OF PHOENIX