Since 1955, Chanen has been a leader in the communities where we build helping to support civic, philanthropic, and non-profit organizations with a focus on improving access to higher education and empowering minority communities, establishing the Chanen Student Scholarship at Midwestern University. To support the Chanen Student Scholarship, click here

Chanen has supported more than 1,000 nonprofits and has given more than $3 million to local, regional and national organizations—as well as in-kind gifts to non-profit organizations for which we are the builder. This year marked the sixtieth year of the company’s annual giving to the United Way, many years marked by 100% giving by Chanen employees.

Chanen also annually participates  a homebound Thanksgiving program to provide a traditional Thanksgiving meal delivered at to to individuals and families.  The program is headed by Chanen CEO Steve Chanen’s wife, Jeanne Chanen for the past two decades. with partner agencies About Care, Alzheimer’s Association, Arizona Agency on Aging, Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, AZ Foundation for the Handicapped, Banner Olive Branch Senior Center, Duet, Foundation for Senior Living, Jewish Family and Children’s Services, The Joy Bus Organization, Maricopa County Human Services and Senior and Adult Services, and VALLEYLIFE.

Some of the other organizations we have supported are listed below.