15th Street
Parking Structure


The 15th Street Parking Garage is a multi-level parking structure housing a minimum of 350 cars to service the Montana State Fund Office Build­ing during business hours and will provide park­ing for the Federal Building Complex, Conference Center, the Great Northern Town Center, and other adjacent businesses after hours and on weekends. The location of the parking structure was originally planned for the site of the existing 15th Street parking lot currently positioned be­tween 14th and 15th Streets and along Front Street. Early in the design process for the Mon­tana State Fund Office Building and the Parking Garage, it was decided that layout of the two project sites could be reconfigured if the resulting lot arrangement better suited both projects.

The design of the parking structure commenced with a joint design charette for the two projects (The City of Helena Parking Garage and Montano State Fund) and focused on site design and build­ing footprint/location. Through the charette and subsequent design workshops for the projects it was determined that both projects would be best served by some rearrangement of the lot lines. After the design charette, the design team met with City and Parking Commission representatives to develop a broad list of needs and goals spe­cifically for the parking garage.
Project Facts
Completed: May 2010
Project Budget: $7.9 Million
Square Feet: 115,000
350 car multi-level parking structure
Located on a tight corner lot
Achieved LEED Gold
Their professionalism, attention to detail, and quality and cost-saving measures certainly produce happy clients and make all of us look good.
DWL Architects - President
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